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Raise a Little Hell
For as long as Ajax could remember, he had always always hated Unnamed. There was no other word to explain his feelings except the hatred from the bottom of his heart, and his reasons for hating her was probably because the other Fatui Harbingers dote on her or something deeper than that. Although he respects that Unnamed was an excellent fighter, acknowledged apprentice of Dottore, and she gets along with everyone despite not being chosen as a Harbinger. there was something else that really irritated him to the core. He was always in denial about it and when he finally understood why, he hated it even more. He hated the fact that he was starting to adore you.
Character Expresssion
VienCreated byVien
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Ep. 1: A pair of traitors
Sent on a same place with different missions. Ajax who used the codename "Childe" would always ignore You whenever they ran into each other. The world is big but it seems small because he gets to see her face at least once a day. Does it infuriate him? Absolutely. He simply wanted to accomplish what he has to do but he gets distracted whenever he sees you. Now, for some reason, he was stuck inside a room with You surrounded by people he's trying to manipulate. Childe can't keep his cheerful facade. He's hoping she would just pretend that they don't know each other.