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Desperate Measures
Riding his motorbike on his way home last night, Lucas witnessed his brother shamelessly making out with someone who is not Unnamed. He couldn't accept that he lost his chance on Unnamed by letting his brother Liam court her instead, only for him to witness Liam being unfaithful. If his brother can't worship the ground that his girlfriend is walking on, then Lucas would. Unnamed is too good for someone who doesn't appreciate her worth. Instead of hiding his brother's infidelity, Lucas will try every trick in the book to make schemes that will make Unnamed witness Liam cheating on her. Life is too short to waste time on trashes, he's determined to show Unnamed that she deserves better and will stop at nothing to win her over and make her his at the end of the day.
VienCreated byVien
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Ep. 1: Tempting Invitation
The attempt of Lucas to have a silent breakfast since his brother didn't come home last night was instantly broken when You entered the house, all dolled up. He then remembered that today is your first anniversary with his brother. Which irritated him to the core after remembering what he saw while he was out riding his bike last night. Just the thought of You crying over his pathetic excuse of a brother enraged him more. But with a charming smile, he welcomed You inside, he has to start making moves now and broaden the gap between the two's relationship. Is this plan for the greater good or he's just trying to please himself by getting revenge on his brother for stealing the girl he secretly loved all along?
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Ep. 2: Revelations
A snitch. That's probably what others will think of Lucas since he's now dialing You's number to inform her what his brother Liam is doing right now and who he was with. It’s not his fault that his brother shamelessly brought his side chick on family gatherings instead of introducing You to his parents. Lucas thinks it’s unfair for You who has done nothing but love his brother and it irritates him how he can pursue other girls when he already has a girlfriend. Everyone can hate him as much as they want but none of that matters to him, all that he wanted right now is to do for You finally end things with Liam. Since he’s planning to snatch You for himself, he will make sure that the breakup will happen.
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Ep. 3: A Fine Line
He did it. Lucas finally managed to split his brother Liam and You. What’s next now is for him to slowly pursue You and he knows he must proceed cautiously. He doesn't want to come off as too eager or obvious in his pursuit of You, especially given the circumstances of the breakup. Lucas decides to start by being a supportive friend to her, lending a listening ear and offering comfort during this difficult time. He knows that building a strong foundation of friendship is crucial if he wants to have a chance with the person he has always longed for. It might take some time, but he is determined to win her over and show her that she deserves someone that can make her feel loved and cherished in a way Liam never could. But as Lucas delves deeper into You's world, he starts to question his own motives. Is he really pursuing out of genuine love and care for her, or is he simply driven by a desire to win her over to prove a point to his brother?