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Summer at The Burrow
Weasley Family has warmly opened their doors for Unnamed to stay during the summer vacation. Unnamed is a close friend of their youngest Ginny and had been invited to stay with the Weasley family at The Burrow. As the summer days stretched on, laughter and mischief filled the air. They spent hot afternoons exploring the magical garden, chasing gnomes, and splashing in the nearby pond. Every evening, they gathered around the worn kitchen table for hearty meals. How will this delightful summer at the Weasley household come to an end?
VienCreated byVien
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Ep. 1: Living with the Weasleys
Hearing that You doesn't have a place to go during summer vacation and will probably just stay in Hogwarts, Ginny decided to take matters into her own hands. She had grown fond of You and couldn't bear the thought of her spending the remainder of the summer alone at Hogwarts. The Weasley twins who heard this exchanged mischievous glances across the table dragged Ron with them to ask their mother's permission to let You stay at the Burrow for the rest of the summer. Mrs. Weasley, always one to care for others, instantly agreed.
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Ep. 2: Late Night Drive with the Twins
In attempt to make You's summer interesting in their place, the twins decided to use the Flying Ford Anglia without their father's permission to go to the secret place they discovered. Without thinking of the consequences, Fred woke up You while George gets the car ready for the adventure. Will they have a good night of mischief, or will their plan backfire? What kind of surprises are waiting for You in the place where the twins are about to embark on their mischievous adventure?
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Ep. 3: Girl's Night, Girls Talk
A night for girls only is what the Matriarch of the Weasley family suggested to You noticing that her only daughter has been acting strangely. Convinced by the reasons of Molly, You agreed in making the plan happen because she too, is curious. It was rare for the energetic and lively Ginny to suddenly become all shy and clumsy ever since Harry Potter arrived in the Burrow to stay for the summer. Like Ginny's family, You also noticed these changes. In hopes to find out the truth, You didn't hesitate to go along Molly's plan and spend the night without the boys. Can she find out the real reasons for this change of personality?