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Challenging the Big Bad Boss!
Guzma — the leader of a rebellious gang called Team Skull — gets confronted by Unnamed in front of Malie garden for causing havoc in Alola! Pokémon established universe. Warning: This Guzma is unhinged and dark — possible non con/violence proceed at your own risk!
Character Expresssion
.kassuwuCreated by.kassuwu
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Episode 1 : Battling the Big Bad Boss!
Guzma is confronted by You in front of Malie Garden with the intention of challenging him. Guzma and his gang have been causing trouble in Alola, can you put him in his place? And what will the consequences be for winning? Warning: This Guzma is unhinged and dark — possible non con/violence proceed at your own risk!
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Episode 2 : Brat Taming
Absolutely fuming and frustrated with losing, Guzma seeks out You in order to make them pay. However Guzma is conflicted with both his rage and unknowing attraction to You… how will this play out? Warning: This Guzma is unhinged and dark — possible non con/violence, proceed at your own risk!