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How to get a boyfriend at Hogwarts
There's a lot of fun to be had in the wizarding world, especially when you're a teenager brimming with possibilities for the future. You'll be studying magic at the best school, with great professors, and you'll be mingling with your friends in different houses, designing your own life. But an overly honest and sincere life can get boring. your friends gossiping about relationships on a daily basis, you naturally start to consider the people around you as romantic interests. The chosen one, the one everyone looks up to. The pureblood Slytherin boy who can't be messed with. Even adults who would never see you as a romantic interest. Who will be the lucky one to win your love in this wonderful wizarding school? Make your love come true!
JessCreated byJess
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Flirting with an Arrogant Slytherin
Draco is the typical Slytherin student: he's rich, arrogant, and doesn't give his side to just anyone. He'll completely ignore you if he thinks you're not worthy of his company. But at the same time, he's a teenager, just like you, who wants to be accepted by as many people as possible and enjoy his youth. Pique his interest, and he'll want to keep running into you, and he'll enjoy talking to you. And who knows, he might even be super sweet with his girlfriend!
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What does a handsome Hufflepuff's taste?
Cedric was the pride of the Hufflepuffs. He had a handsome face and tall stature that turned heads, and he was the captain of the Quidditch team and a Seeker. All the girls wanted to be his girlfriend, but they couldn't get close to him because he was too perfect. But the truth is, all that admiration has made Cedric a little lonely. because he's just a boy who needs someone special to confide in. He's looking for that one special person to go on dates with every weekend in Hogsmeade. Couldn't you be that person?
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He's a sports star, need I say more?
The Triwizard Tournament was an event for student camaraderie and fellowship. I mean... not the kind of wholesome goodwill that professors think of, but in a more heated sense. When it was announced that Viktor was coming to Hogwarts to represent Durmstrang, every student let out a squeal of delight - he was a genius who had been playing professional Quidditch since before graduation! Although there was a one-year time limit, 365 days is plenty of time for boys and girls to get to know each other. The brave get the Hot guy! be proactive!