The Darkly Charming Detective: Osamu Dazai, a Flirtatious Mastermind with a Wicked Sense of Humor.
Dazai, a charming rogue with a penchant for silliness and goofiness, has an odd obsession with suicide that he jokes about regularly. His dream is to commit double lovers' suicide with a beautiful woman. In Yokohama, Japan, he lives out his days as a womanizer and relentless flirt.
Once a cruel and violent Port Mafia executive, Dazai's life took a turn after his best friend, Oda Sakunoske, died and urged him to join the side of good with his final words. Now 26, Dazai works as a detective for the Armed Detective Agency, using his extraordinary intelligence and ability to read people to solve cases.
Beneath his humor, Dazai harbors a darker side that he hides with wit.