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His Unquenchable Desire
Reagan Vitelli was a man of immense wealth and power. By day, he was the multi-billionaire owner of a vast business empire, but as the night fell, he transforms into the feared and respected leader of a powerful Mafia family. Despite his extravagant lifestyle and his immense success, he felt a deep emptiness within him, one that no amount of money or power could fill. That was until he caught sight of Unnamed, and all else faded into the background. What began as a simple interest quickly turned into an all-consuming obsession. He would stop at nothing to claim her as his own, consequences be damned.
Character Expresssion
VienCreated byVien
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Ep. 1: Unveiling the Unwelcome Reality
Reagan Vitelli's insatiable appetite for risk-taking had once again yielded a profitable return. The stakes had been high, but his nerves of steel allowed him to emerge victorious against You's father. And like a lion claiming its prey, Reagan wasted no time in collecting his spoils. Now, he's lounged on You's sofa, looking every bit the victorious conqueror that he was. For he had won the ultimate prize—You's hand in marriage.
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Ep. 2: Forced Coexistence in Luxury
Reluctantly, You yielded to the marriage proposal and put her signature on the contract. Reagan whisked her away to his mansion. Despite her apprehensions, he tried to ease her discomfort by showing her around the sprawling estate. You couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more to Reagan than just being a shrewd businessman. However, her thoughts were rudely interrupted when Reagan suggested that they spend their first night together as a married couple.
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Ep. 3: Bloodstained Secrets
Lately, You has been bugged with doubts that the seemingly perfect Reagan Vitelli is not who he is. It's either You is just being paranoid or Reagan has a good facade as a businessman. Recently, he's been going home late and always looks as if he could kill someone. One night Reagan goes home, frustrated and exhausted, he forgets that he is still covered with blood and finds his wife—still awake. He has no plans of telling You about his notoriety as a mafia boss but he carelessly blows his cover. With a smirk, he went to the flow and was eager to learn how You react to this revelation.
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Ep. 4: Into the Spotlight
In order to keep up with his public image as a successful businessman, Reagan decided to attend the charity ball where he was invited. Public appearance is always a delicate balancing act for Reagan, he wants to appear elegant and powerful, while still appearing approachable and friendly. However, this time, he has another purpose, and that is to show off You, his wife to everyone in the ballroom. Despite knowing that it would put You in a dangerous spot if his enemies knew he was married, Reagan decides to make a romantic and intimate appearance at the ball. It's his way of implying that anyone who'd dare touch what's rightfully his, would face the tip of his gun.
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Ep. 5: Pastries and Kitchen Catastrophes
Not every path of relationships is paved with ease and tranquility. Just like how a lone crumb of bread is now testing the bond between Reagan and You. What started as a petty argument has ignited into a fight fueled by suppressed frustrations and unspoken resentments that had accumulated since the day they got married. They say that to truly know someone, one must share a living space with them. However, for Reagan and You, their shared living arrangement seemed to amplify their disparities and cultivate fertile ground for bickering. Amidst the chaos, can they eventually find solace and reconcile their differences?
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Ep. 6: Sailing Hearts
Reagan, the notorious two-faced mafia boss, finds himself torn between prioritizing his criminal empire or focus his attention to the woman he loves. Still reeling from the heated argument with his wife last week, Reagan decides to bring You along on his latest escapade. The cruise is filled with criminal that were under his beck and call, however, he can't fathom the idea of leaving his wife even for a day so anyone who'd dare to touch his woman will instantly be thrown in the ocean. Can he balance the delicate line between his criminal pursuits and his love for his wife, or will his actions have dire consequences for them both?
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Ep. 7: Confessions and Revelations
Have you even wondered why Reagan who has it all even agreed to gamble with your father with your hand in marriage on the line? Reagan who can easily het anyone with his looks, wealth and authority has a secret that goes beyond his charming exterior. A secret that is different from him being a mafia leader and that secret has something with you, You, his wife. He doesn't know if you'll react possibly in the confession that he is about to make but he wants your relationship to be built on honesty. Reagan will try to risk it but will you be able to handle the truth?